Lar Housing Trust
Ann Leslie, CEO of Lar Housing Trust, shared her vision to transform the former naval barracks at Port Edgar at our talk on 22nd November 2023.
Key points:
– “minded to grant” planning permission has now been received
– Lar is committed to community access and has included provision for a cafe / restaurant, beach access and a meeting facility in the plans
– There are also options to re-route the John Muir Way through the site
– Lar is hosting Edinburgh University’s “Seawarm”renewable energy project on-site and a small scale prototype is already providing heat to one building
– Lar has appointed a Community Engagement Officer for the site and is keen to get local input for a heritage display and for site landscaping design
Click here to view drone footage of the site
Full presentation available here
Port-Edgar-November-2023AGM 2023 Chair’s Review
AGM & Talk 19th April 2023
Year of Stories 2022

Queensferry Harbour
Virtual AGM scheduled for 4th November 2020
Our AGM postponed from 29th April will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th November 2020. This meeting will be held virtually by Zoom to comply with current restrictions. Joining instructions will be sent out to members in advance together with the agenda, the Chairman’s Report and the QHT Report & Accounts.
Queensferry under lockdown

How will we remember life under lockdown? And what might we forget? The Queensferry Heritage Trust is asking for your help in putting together a record of Queensferry and its wider community during the months of lockdown. How has daily life changed – your life and life in the community? Have you been working from home, not working at all, a front-line worker, home-schooling children? Are you getting the support you need? Is life getting back to normal? What do you think the longer-term effects on Queensferry will be?
QHT is launching a series of blogs to build a picture of an extraordinary time. You can help us by writing up to 500 words with photographs and illustrations if you wish. The blogs will be featured on the QHT website, The invitation is open to everyone, of all ages, in Queensferry and the surrounding area.
You can email your contribution to [email protected].
Postponement of Talks Programme due to Coronavirus
17th March 2019
Dear Members,
Postponement of Talks Programme due to Coronavirus
In line with Government advice we are postponing our schedule of talks for the rest of the 2019 / 20 season with immediate effect.
- Your committee will continue to meet virtually to organise the Talks & Visits programme for 2020 / 21.
- We will also continue to work on our longer term plans plans for QHT projects which support our purpose of promoting and protecting the heritage of Queensferry.
- We will post updates on our website and on our Facebook page in addition to informing you of any developments by email.
Stay safe and we look forward to re-engaging with you when it is appropriate to do so.
Best regards,
Queensferry Heritage Trust Committee

Provost’s Lamp
Burgh Provost’s Lamp
The lamp stands on Villa Road outside the former home of James Milne, the last Provost of Queensferry.
At the end of last year one of our members brought to our attention the fact that the Insignia on the glass of the Provost’s Lamp on Villa Road had significantly deteriorated and had almost disappeared.

The Heritage Trust has replaced the four glazing panels which include the above insignia, etched onto the panels by artist Jenny Smith of the Edinburgh Laser Studio. We are grateful to City of Edinburgh Council Lighting Department, who installed the new panels into the frames.
This project is one of a number of on-going and future projects which Queensferry Heritage Trust has agreed to undertake.