Queensferry Heritage Trust has created a Queensferry Benchmark and Sundial Walk. A walk guide is available (see below). The walk is a quirky circular tour and treasure trail of South Queensferry to find Ordnance Survey benchmarks and sundials across our town. There is also a tick list and quiz to accompany the guide.
Many locals and visitors will have trudged their way around Queensferry during the Covid lockdown and the goal in making this walk was to give you something different to find and examine.
A recorded talk explains what a benchmark is and some of the history of the Ordnance Survey who chiselled them into our walls and buildings. The talk also features some of the locations in greater detail than the guide.
The guide can be downloaded and printed as an A5 booklet or as A4 sheets for larger print. You can also download the guide to your smartphone for direct use.
Download the walk guide here:
Download the tick list and quiz here:
There is also a recorded talk by Frank Hay explaining about benchmarks, the Ordnance Survey and sundials:
Thanks to our QHT team who created the walk:
Ian Harrower
Frank Hay
Tony Jones
David Learmond
Mark Meredith
Stuart Ridge
Also thanks to the QHT Committee for their support for this project.