Queensferry under lockdown

London 1938 – Threats of gas attacks prompt desperate measures

How will we remember life under lockdown? And what might we forget? The Queensferry Heritage Trust is asking for your help in putting together a record of Queensferry and its wider community during the months of lockdown. How has daily life changed – your life and life in the community? Have you been working from home, not working at all, a front-line worker, home-schooling children? Are you getting the support you need? Is life getting back to normal? What do you think the longer-term effects on Queensferry will be?

QHT is launching a series of blogs to build a picture of an extraordinary time. You can help us by writing up to 500 words with photographs and illustrations if you wish. The blogs will be featured on the QHT website, queensferryheritage.org.uk. The invitation is open to everyone, of all ages, in Queensferry and the surrounding area.

You can email your contribution to [email protected].